International Reports (by nation)
For reports from the United States, please see US Reports
- Canopy Cover Change in Campbelltown City Council, 2006-2016. An i-Tree Canopy Assessment in South Australia by Seed Consulting Services. 27 July, 2018.
- Ridge Park, City of Unley, South Australia Assessments and Reports
- Tree Canopy Cover in the City of Charles Sturt - 2016 Benchmark Assessment using i-Tree Canopy, by Seed Consulting Services
- Valuing the Waite Arboretum, South Australia: an i-Tree Ecosystem Analysis. i-Tree Eco Analysis of The Waite Arboretum in South Australia by J.A. Gardner, M. McDuie, and E. Boyle - September, 2017
- A 202020 Vision Report: Where are all the Trees? An analysis of tree canopy cover in urban Australia
- Tree Canopy Cover in the City of Burnside - 2016 i-Tree Canopy Benchmark Assessment by Seed Consulting Services - 23 September, 2016
- Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) Study of Perth, Western Australia 2011
- Peel Region (Southern Ontario) Urban Forest Strategy
- Every Tree Counts. A Portrait of Toronto's Urban Forest
- Kelowona's Urban Forest Effects: 2007 UFORE (i-Tree Eco) Analysis in British Columbia, Canada
- Oakville, Ontario's Urban Forest: Our Solution to our Pollution
- Edmonton's Urban Forest - Taking Root Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow: An Urban Forest Management Plan
- A Report on an i-Tree Eco assessment of Halifax's Urban Forest, prepared as part of the city's Urban Forest Master Plan adopted in 2012
by David Foster and Peter Duinker of Dalhousie University - February, 2017 - Designing effective stormwater management policies: the role of the urban forest and impervious cover in Vancouver, B.C. MS thesis by Camille B. Lefrancois
Dominican Republic
- Technical Report: i-Tree Urban Forest Assessment in Santo Domingo's Colonial City (EN), Feb 22-26, 2016
- Fotos: Uso de la Herramienta i-Tree para el Manejo de Bosques Urbanos: Ventajas y Limitaciones (ES), Santa Domingo, República Dominicana, 2017
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (EN), May 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: Ciudad Nueva (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: Universidad Central del Este (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: National District (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: Gazcue (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: INTEC (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: San Carlos (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (EN), October 2018
- i-Tree Eco Analysis: Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (EN), October 2018
Finland (Suomi)
- Abstracts from the European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) 2018
- Kaupunkipuiden ekosysteemipalveluita lasketaan Turussa ja Helsingissä
News article about ecosystem services of Turku, Finland - 06/2018 - Using city tree inventory data as a tool of planning, management and economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by urban trees
Presentation from EFUF Helsinki 18.5.2018
- Améliorer les forêts citadines à travers l’évaluation, la modélisation et le suivi. Article paru dans Unasylva 250, Vol. 69, 2018
- Valuation of ecosystem services provided by urban trees in the City of Strasbourg. Report provided courtesy of Wissal Selmi.
Georgia (Sakartvelo)
- Ecosystem Services Provided by Urban Forests in the Southern Caucasus Region: A Modeling Study in Tbilisi, Georgia - A research article by Levan Alpaidze and Rocco Pace published 28 October 2021.
Germany (Deutschland)
- Cooling Effects and Regulating Ecosystem Services Provided by Urban Trees—Novel Analysis Approaches Using Urban Tree Cadastre Data (EN) - Scientific article by T. Scholz, A. Hof, and T. Schmitt published 6 March 2018
Hungary (Magyarország)
- The role of ecosystem services in climate and air qaulity in urban areas: Evaluating carbon sequestration and air pollution removal by street and park trees in Szeged, Hungary - This 2015 journal article based on the Szeged, Hungary i-Tree Eco project. Report provided courtesy of Marton Kiss.
Ireland (Éireann )
- Ecosystem Services Provided by Mountshannon Village Trees by B. Carey & B. Tobin updated Dec2019
- The green 'signature' of Irish cities: An examination of the ecosystem services provided by trees using i-Tree Canopy softwareby Gerald Mills, Max Anjos, Michael Brennan, Jean Williams, Clare McAleavey, and Tine Ningal
Italy (Italia)
- Valutazione dei Servizi Ecosistemici nel Parco Regionale Urbano di Aguzzano 2017
- Superquark, Alberi in città - 01/09/2020. Rinfrescano l'aria, la ripuliscono, fermano la pioggia...gli alberi in città. Oggi è possibile misurare questi effetti, camminando per una grande città, Paolo Magliocco con Francesca Marcelli, esplorano scientificamente quello che succede.
- Inventario Oaxaca. De la Concha D., H. 2023. Plan para el manejo integral del arbolado urbano del Municipio de Oaxaca de Juárez. Municipio de Oaxaca de Juárez, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático. Documento Interno.
- Inventario Queretaro. De la Concha D.,H. 2022. Estado de Biodiversidad, índice de biodiversidad y valorización de servicios ecosistémicos que proveen el arbolado de la zona urbana del Municipio de Querétaro. Instituto de Ecología y Cambio Climático del Municipio de Querétaro.
- Inventario del Arbolado Urbano León, GTO V04, por Horacio de la Concha, updated April 2021
- Inventario del Arbolado Urbano Parques Y Vialidades León, GTO V04, por Horacio de la Concha, updated April 2021
- Inventario del Arbolado Urbano en Validades Principales del Municipio de Puebla, por Horacio de la Concha, July 2018
- Resultados del censo del arbolado de Parque La Ceiba 2017, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo (y Infografias), por Horacio Andrés de la Concha Duprat, Esthela S´nchez Martínez, y Ana Carolina Pech Polanco
- Salud y Medio Ambiente: i-Tree Eco, Sistema de información para mejorar el arbolado público. Por Horacio de la Concha, de la revista Parks Sept-Nov 2018
- Estudio-diagnóstico del arbolado urbano en parquespúblicos de Mérida
- Resultados del inventario urbano de Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo, México realizado de noviembre 2016 a abril 2017
- Inventario del Arbolado Urbano de la Ciudad de Mérida
Netherlands (Nederland)
- The benefits of trees, results of i-Tree Eco in the Netherlands – February 2019 summary report of i-Tree pilot projects carried out in fourteen municipalities in the Netherlands (in Dutch)
- Measuring the benefits of urban nature-based solutions through quantitative assessment tools - Executive Summary
- Measuring the benefits of urban nature-based solutions through quantitative assessment tools
New Zealand
Norway (Norge)
- Cimburova, Z and D.N. Barton. 2020. The potential of geospatial analysis and Bayesian networks to enable i-Tree Eco assessment of existing tree inventories. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. Volume 55, November 2020, 126801
Poland (Polska)
- Szkop, Z. 2016. An evaluation of the ecosystem services provided by urban trees: The role of Krasiński Gardens in air quality and human health in Warsaw (Poland). Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 4 (4):41-50 ( or download pdf)
- Szkop, Z. 2020. Evaluating the sensitivity of the i-Tree Eco pollution model to different pollution data inputs: a case study from Warsaw, Poland. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 55: 126859 (
- Szkop, Z. 2022. The value of air purification and carbon storage ecosystem services of park trees in Warsaw, Poland. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 10(3):1-11 (
- Graça, M.S., J.F. Goncalves, P.J. Alves, D.J. Nowak, R. Hoehn, A. Ellis, P. Farinha-Marques, M. Cunha. 2017. Assessing mismatches in ecosystem services proficiency across the urban fabric of Porto (Portugal): the influence of structural and socioeconomic variables. Ecosystem Services. 23: 82-93 - Graça, M., P. Alves, J. Gonçalves, D.J. Nowak, R. Hoehn, P. Farinha-Marques, M. Cunha. 2017. Assessing how green space types affect ecosystem services delivery in Porto, Portugal. Landscape and Urban Planning 170: 195–208.
Puerto Rico
Spain (España)
- The Value of Santa Cruz de Tenerife's Urban Forest
- Valor Bosque Urbano Madrid.pdf i-Tree report for Madrid in Spanish
- Under one canopy? Assessing the distributional environmental justice implications of street tree benefits in Barcelona
- Ecological Services of Urban Forest in Barcelona, Spain
- Contribution of Ecosystem Services to Air Quality and Climate Change Mitigation Policies: The Case of Urban Forest in Barcelona, Spain. A 2014 journal article detailing the Barcelona, Spain i-Tree Eco project findings, Baro et al.
Sweden (Sverige)
- i-Tree Sweden - i-Tree project in Sweden covering 9 cities and 3 building companies. Report is written is Swedish with an English summary.
Switzerland (Schweiz)
- Ecosystem services as an economic strategy? i-Tree: An instrument for determining the value of urban trees. Zurich, Switzerland i-Tree Eco project (German). Thesis by Geraldine Walchli.
- Services écosystémiques des arbres isolés du canton de Genève (Analysis of trees in Canton, Genève, Switzerland using i-Tree Eco) - 2016
- Creative strategies for using i-Tree Eco data outputs in Switzerland
- Schlussbericht Projekt F-10 i-Tree – Bäume und Stadtwälder klimaangepasst managen
- i-Tree Faktenblatt Kohlenstoff / i-Tree Fiche - Stockage du carbone
- i-Tree Faktenblatt Feinstaub (PM2.5) / i-Tree Fiche - Particules fines (PM2.5)
- i-Tree Faktenblatt Reduktion Oberflächenabfluss / i-Tree Fiche - Réduction du ruissellement de surface
- Gestion adaptée au climat des arbres et des forêts urbaines Inputpaper i-Tree et la forêt
- Ökosystemleistungen städtischer Bäume klimaadaptiv managen Inputpaper - i-Tree und Wald
- Klimaangepasstes Managen von städtischen Bäumen und Wäldern - Urban Forestry und i-Tree in der Schweiz.
United Kingdom
- Citizen science project to map urban tree canopy in the UK using i-Tree Canopy
- Hyde Park Tree Benefits: i-Tree Eco Assessment, 2018 by Treeconomics and Royal Parks
- Valuing Ealing's Urban Trees: Ealing i-Tree Eco Technical Report, 2018 by Treeconomics and Trees for Cities
- Valuing Oldham's urban forest in 2017, an i-Tree Eco project by Treeconomics and Oldham Council
- Green Benefits in Victoria U.K. Business Improvement District (VBID): An i-Tree Eco, CAVAT, and G.I. Valuation Study
- Torbay's Urban Forest: Assessing Urban Forest Effects and Values. A report on the findings from the U.K. i-Tree Eco pilot project
- Valuing London's Urban Forest: An i-Tree Eco Assessment
- Estimating the Ecosystem Services Value of Edinburgh's Trees. Forest Research (UK) Report - August 2012
- Valuing the Natural Capital of Area 1 - A Pilot Study. A UK pilot study valuing highway green infrastructure